We are located at 6110 Clark Road, Bath, MI 48808. For information on airports, hotels, and transportation, visit our Transportation and Accommodations page.

Luna: Ancient Paths, Modern Mystics
Luna is a nonprofit whose mission is to explore, practice, and share the most profound and potent modalities—both ancient and modern—that bring about healing and higher consciousness for ourselves, our communities, and the earth. We envision and also seek to model a way toward a kinder, more harmonious, and more sustainable world in which love and wisdom pave the way to self-realization and inner peace.

Our goals:

  • To provide a safe and inviting environment for spiritual, personal, and professional growth.
  • To welcome all people—regardless of race, ethnicity, religious or political beliefs—to our serene setting with gracious hospitality.
  • To provide life-affirming workshops, classes, and intensive retreats for the healing of body, mind, and soul.
  • To be a non-denominational, religious, spiritual, and educational facility that collaborates with other groups—both secular and non-secular—to advance dialogue and deepen trust.
  • To teach and advocate a healthy diet, sustainability, and eco-consciousness.
  • To create and use sustainable farming methods to provide organic food for Luna's residents, retreatants, and surrounding community.
  • To provide non-sectarian and non-political service to people from all walks of life.
  • To aid and assist the homeless in ways large and small, direct and indirect.
  • To provide a solid financial footing for Luna to last seven generations into the future.

  • Luna's Statements of Fundamental Truths
    Luna adopted the following ten tenets at its inaugural Board of Directors meeting in January 2022.

  • Inherent Goodness: Humans are inherently good.
  • The Golden Rule: As taught in various forms in nearly all religions, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
  • Many Paths: There are a multitude of paths to complete Self Realization and not all of them are organized into a religion. There have also been a multitude of wayshowers throughout history guiding us on the path. They and their teachings are to be honored and cherished.
  • Service to Others: Of the two paths one can take—Service to Others or Service to Self—Service to Others is the preferred path and the one of true love.
  • Holy Nature: We hold that Nature is sacred and that the natural cycles of birth, growth, and death hold deep spiritual significance. Our planet and the elements that make it up—earth, fire, air, & water—are to be honored.
  • Body as Sacred Temple: One’s physical health is of supreme importance. So too must one’s Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual health be nurtured and honored.
  • Reincarnation & Impermanence: We are Spiritual beings having a human experience. Everything in life is impermanent and always changing. Nothing stays the same. Because nothing is permanent, a life based on possessing things or persons doesn’t make you happy.
  • Karma: It is the actions we took in the past that have created our present. It is the actions we take now that determine our future.
  • Forgiveness: The power of forgiveness frees us from our past.
  • Conduct & Personal Ethics: Strive always for integrity of thought, word, and deed. Honor thy mother and father. Live in harmony with the earth.

  • Luna   |   6110 Clark Road, Bath, MI 48808   |   Contact@Luna-Center.org